Deleting Employee Feedback
  • 24 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Deleting Employee Feedback

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Article summary

Any employee feedback can be deleted by HR. Employee can delete feedback given by him or her.

Delete Provided Feedback

To delete feedback as employee, on the Employee Feedback page (click Performance > Feedback on your employee card) or on the My Feedback page (My Performance  My Feedback), on the Given tab, click the DeleteAnnouncementIconicon next to the feedback that you want to delete.

Feedback cannot be deleted by an employee who is not the author of the feedback if such employee doesn't have the HR role.

Delete Feedback as HR

If user with the HR role is to delete public feedback provided by another employee, this can be done by clicking the Delete icon next to the corresponding feedback on the Employee Feedback page (Performance > Employee Feedback).

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