Learning Overview
  • 13 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Learning Overview

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Article summary

The Learning section is intended to make the employee learning process easy and effective. All the company's learning materials can be stored in the Learning Catalog and can be assigned to employees by themselves or by the Training Managers. The learning can be planned based on the employee competency assessment results and identified gaps and development needs.

All the assigned materials comprise the employee personal development plan that can be also viewed and modified by the employee manager and Training Manager. The learning results are recorded into the employee grade book that is available from the employee card in the database.

In the Certificates page, you can upload the certificates held by the employees or set up the system to generate the certificates automatically. You can also track the missing and expiring certificates through Lanteria HR.


The Learning module has the following basic workflows:

  • E-Learning workflow - This workflow covers the learning process when employees are educated by their own efforts using the corresponding learning materials for self-education as opposed to internal classroom studying or visiting an external training.
    • Mandatory Training workflow - This workflow describes the procedure of working with mandatory trainings. This workflow is part of the E-Learning workflow, but focuses only on its mandatory trainings aspect.
    • Quiz workflow - This workflow describes the procedure of working with quizzes, starting with creation of a quiz in the Lanteria HR quiz builder, then publishing the created quiz, and finally completing the quiz. This workflow is also part of the E-Learning workflow with the focus on the learning that involves quizzed. The quiz-related steps are covered in more detail in this workflow.
  • Classroom/Event Education workflow - This workflow covers the event-based learning process when employees participate in a classroom training.
  • External Training workflow - This workflow depicts the learning process that involves participation of an employee in a training that is provided by external vendors. An external training does not use any materials from the learning catalog.

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