Notification Settings
  • 27 Feb 2023
  • 7 Minutes to read
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Notification Settings

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Article summary

Use notification settings to configure notification settings for workflows in Lanteria HR. You can toggle each notification on and off, configure notification recipients, as well as set up header and footer.

Not all the notifications are available for configuring in the Notification Settings. Some notifications are sent from code. For a full list of such notifications, click here.

To configure notification settings

  1. Go to Settings > Settings and Configuration > General > Notifications and Reminders.
  2. On the Basic tab, click Edit next to Notification Settings.
  3. The Notification Workflow Settings list will open in the spreadsheet mode.
  4. Fill in or edit the necessary information in columns:
    • WF Name - name of the SharePoint workflow that is used to send notifications.
    • Is Active - select Yes to activate the notification or No if you do not need it.
      One workflow can include several notifications. The following workflows are available for selection in the WF Name field.  


      Request to cancel business trip recordWhen an employee clicks Request Cancellation for a past business trip record, the notification will be sent to HR with a copy to employee and manager.
      WF_CancelHolidayRequest to cancel holiday recordWhen an employee clicks Request Cancellation for a past vacation record, the notification will be sent to HR with a copy to employee and manager.
      Holiday request cancelledSent to manager and employee, when the vacation record has been cancelled as per employee request.
      WF_CancelSicknessRequest to cancel sickness recordWhen an employee clicks Request Cancellation for a past sickness record, the notification will be sent to HR with a copy to employee and manager or other user(s), according to the workflow configuration.
      Sickness request cancelledSent to manager and employee or other user(s), according to the workflow configuration, when the sickness record has been cancelled as per employee request.
      WF_CancelTOILsRequest to cancel TOIL recordWhen an employee clicks Request Cancellation for a past TOIL record, the notification will be sent to HR with a copy to employee and manager or other user(s), according to the workflow configuration.
      TOIL request cancelledSent to manager and employee or other user(s), according to the workflow configuration, when the TOIL record has been cancelled as per employee request.
      WF_Notification360AssessmentNew 360 AssessmentNotification with a link to the 360 feedback form is sent to an employee request feedback for a colleague.
      New 360 review: please suggest the assessorsSsent to an employee whose performance is to be assessed during the 360 review to request such employee to suggest assessors for the review.
      Please approve the 360 assessors forSent to a manager to approve the assessors suggested by an employee for the 360 review.
      360 review: list of assessors for [%Current Item:Employee%] approvedSent to HR after a list of 360 review assessors is approved.
      Your request has been rejectedSent to employee to request changes in the list of 360 review assessors.
      WF_NotificationActingPersonYou are requested to be an acting personSent to employee selected as an acting person by another employee when registering an absence request. Notification requests approval of the supposed acting person.
      Your acting person request is approvedSent to employee who requested another employee to be an acting person to inform about accepted request.
      Your acting person request was rejectedSent to employee who requested another employee to be an acting person to inform about rejected request.
      WF_NotificationApplicantsNew applicant addedSent to the manager of employee who requested a job opening to inform that a new applicant has applied for the job opening.
      Applicant data changedSent to the manager of employee who requested a job opening to inform about changes to status or other data for one of the applicants.
      WF_NotificationApprovalRequestNew Approval Request Requires your action

      Sent to a responsible person  to request approval once the approval request is generated.

      Sent to an approval initiator advising the request is approved / rejected or requires changes.

      Calendar appointment is sent to employee once absence request is approved and if appropriate option is enabled in Settings.

      WF_NotificationCareerGoalNew Career Goal AddedSent to employee and manager with a copy to HR once a new career goal is created for an employee.
      Career goal completedSent to employee and manager with a copy to HR once a career goal is completed.
      Career Goal was changedSent to employee and manager with a copy to HR once a career goal is modified.
      WF_NotificationCarriedOverHolidayNew Holiday Carried Over record createdSent to employee and manager with a copy to HR once a new paid leave carried over record is generated for an employee.
      Holiday Carried Over record approvedSent to employee and manager with a copy to HR once a new paid leave carried over record is approved.
      Holiday Carried Over record rejectedSent to employee and manager with a copy to HR once a paid leave carried over record is rejected.
      Holiday Carried Over record changedSent to employee and manager with a copy to HR once a new paid leave carried over record is modified.
      WF_NotificationCertificateEmployee certificate addedSent to employee after a new learning certificate is uploaded or generated.
      WF_NotificationDevelopmentNeedDevelopment need addedSent to employee and manager when a development need is created for an employee.
      Development need completedSent to employee and manager when a development need is completed for an employee.
      Development need was changedSent to employee and manager when a development need is modified for an employee.
      WF_NotificationEducationNew education record was addedSent to employee and manager with a copy to HR after a new employee education record (employee card, the Enhanced Details tab, Education) is added.
      Education record was recently changedSent to employee and manager with a copy to HR after an employee education record is modified.
      WF_NotificationEmployeeNew Employee joined your teamSent to employee and manager with a copy to HR and Local HR once a new employee record is created or generated.
      Employee data was changedSent to employee and manager with a copy to HR and Local HR once the employee record is modified.
      WF_NotificationEmployeeCompetencyEmployee competency addedSent to employee and manager as soon as a new competency is assigned to an employee.
      Employee competency was changedSent to employee and manager as soon as the employee competency is modified.
      WF_NotificationEmployeeQualitativeObjectivesNew performance objectiveSent to employee when a new qualitative objective is created for the employee.
      Performance Objective completedSent to employee when the status of the qualitative objective is changed to Completed.
      Performance Objective failedSent to employee when the status of the qualitative objective is changed to Failed.
      Performance objective was changedSent to employee when the qualitative objective is modified.
      WF_NotificationEmployeeQuantitativeObjectivesQuantitative Objective createdSent to employee when a new quantitative objective is created for the employee.
      Quantitative Objective completedSent to employee when the status of the quantitative objective is changed to Completed.
      Quantitative Objective failedSent to employee when the status of the quantitative objective is changed to Failed.
      Quantitative Objective modifiedSent to employee when the quantitative objective is modified.
      WF_NotificationHRHelpDeskRequestHR HelpDesk RequestSent to HR group when a new HR HelpDesk request is created by an employee if a responsible person is not set up for the current request category.
      HR HelpDesk Request assignedSent to a responsible HR person once a new HelpDesk request is assigned to him or her.
      HR HelpDesk Request closedSent to the HR HelpDesk request initiator and responsible as soon as the request is closed. If there is no responsible, sent to initiator only.
      HR HelpDesk Request in processSent to the request initiator once the request status is changed to Pending.
      HR HelpDesk Request: new responseSent to the request responsible once a new response (comment) is available for the request. If there is no responsible, sent to HR.
      HR HelpDesk Request: new responseSent to the request initiator once a new response (comment) is available for the request.
      WF_NotificationHRProcessActionsChecklistItemProcess action assignedSent to employee once a new HR process action is assigned to him or her.
      WF_NotificationHRprocessesChecklistHR Process completedSent to manager once the HR process is completed for one of the manager's subordinates.
      WF_NotificationJobAssignmentNew Job AssignmentSent to employee and manager with a copy to HR once an employee is assigned to a job position.
      WF_NotificationJobOffersNew Job Offer createdSent to manager who requested the job opening and HR after a new job offer is created.
      Job Offer have been modifiedSent to manager who requested the job opening and HR after a job offer is modified.
      WF_NotificationKPINew KPI ValueSent to employee and manager with a copy to HR as soon as a new KPI is assigned to employee.
      WF_NotificationStarterNew Starter createdSent to the org unit manager to inform that a starter has been created for his or her org unit.
      Starter modifiedSent to the org unit manager to inform that the starter data has been modified.
      WF_NotificationTrainingRequestNew training requestSent to employee to inform that his or her training request has been sent for manager's approval.
      New training requestSent to manager to inform  that a new training request requires approval.
      New training requestSent to HR to inform that a new training request has been created.
      Training request changedSent to employee to inform that his or her training request has been modified.
      Training request changedSent to HR to inform that a training request has been modified.
      Training request changedSent to manager to inform  that one of subordinates' training requests has been modified.
      WF_NotificationCheckInCheck-In completedSent to employee to inform about a completed check-in.
  5. Another way of editing the notification properties is to either click on the notification name or select Edit Item from the list item menu.
    This will open the notification details form in the edit view where you can make all the modifications you need.
    img025(4)By default, all the notifications are inactive and set up not to be sent to anyone.

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