Organizational Unit Goals
  • 21 Mar 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Organizational Unit Goals

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Article summary

The organizational unit goals are created by the organizational units managers, but can be also added or modified by the HR specialists.

Follow these steps to create an org unit goal:

  1. From the Manager role menu, click My Team Performance > Goals > Org Unit Goals.
  2. If you are the organizational unit manager of more than one org unit, the list of your org units is displayed. Click View on the line with the org unit for which you want to view goals or create a new one. If you are the organizational unit manager of a single org unit, this step is skipped.
  3. The Org Unit Goals page displays the org unit goals and company goals relevant for the org unit that you selected in the previous step or your org unit if you are the organization unit manager of a single org unit. Click Add Org Unit Goal
    You can skip opening the Org Unit Goals page by clicking My Team Performance > Quick Actions > Create OrgUnit Goal.
    The Select Aligned / Parent Goal window is displayed where goals with which you can align your new org unit goal are shown. Goals available for selection are filtered according to the following rules:
    • Company Goals – All company goals, in which the org unit, for which you are creating an org unit goal, was specified as the org unit for which the company goal is relevant for.
    • Parent OrgUnit Goals:
      • All org unit goals of the parent org unit (one level higher in the organizational structure hierarchy) in relation to the org unit, for which you are creating an org unit goal.
      • All org unit goals of the org unit for which you are creating an org unit goal.
      • All org unit goals, in which the org unit, for which you are creating an org unit goal, was specified the relevant subordinate org unit. Note that when creating an org unit goal, by default org units that are one level lower in the organizational structure hierarchy, in relation to the org unit, for which you are creating an org unit goal, are considered relevant subordinate org units, unless you specify specific org units in the Relevant Subordinate OrgUnits field and select the Relevant For Selected Subordinate OrgUnits Only check box. 
  4. Select the company goal that the organizational unit goal will be based on. In case you need to create an independent goal, click Not Aligned. This will open the form for creating a new org unit goal. 
  5. Enter the goal title into the Title field.
  6. Enter the start date and due date for working on the goal.
  7. In the Status field, select the current status of the department goal being created. The following options are available:
    • Not Started – work on the goal has not been started yet
    • In Process – work on the goal is in process
    • Completed – the goal has been completed successfully
    • Failed – the goal has not been completed successfully by the due date
  8. If the goal is qualitative, enter the degree of goal completion into the Percent Complete field.
  9. Enter the goal description into the Description field.
  10. Select the Is Quantitative check box if the goal is quantitative.
  11. If the goal is quantitative, specify the best value, maximum result, target result, threshold and actual result as described in Create Quantitative Goal topic.
  12. Enter the relative importance of the goal, in percent, into the Weight field.
  13. In the Relevant Subordinate OrgUnits field, select the org units to which this goal will be available as the parent goal.
    • The goal will also become available for all org units that are subordinate to the selected units (one level lower in the organizational structure hierarchy, in relation to the org unit, for which you are creating an org unit goal). If this is not necessary, select the Relevant For Selected Subordinate OrgUnits Only check box so that the goal is available only for the specified relevant subordinate org units.
    • The org units reporting directly to the org unit the goal is being created for will have it available as a parent goal by default. There is no need to select them in this field.
  14. Select the Relevant for OrgUnit Manager check box, if the current goal is to be included in the org unit manager's review.
  15. Select the Relevant For Selected Subordinate OrgUnits Only check box if you added some org units in the Relevant Subordinate OrgUnits field and want this goal to be also available only for those specified org units (in addition to the org unit for which you are creating an org unit goal). If you leave this check box cleared, the goal will be available for all subordinate org units (one level lower in the organizational structure hierarchy, in relation to the org unit, for which you are creating an org unit goal).
  16. Click Save.

As the achievement of the goal progresses, record the results by changing the Percent Complete for the qualitative goals or Actual Result for the quantitative goals.

The HR person can view the goal statistics and how the department goals are aligned with the company goals by using the Org Unit Goals Report (Reports > Report Center > Performance > Org Unit Goals Report). 

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