Performance Review Generation
  • 06 May 2023
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Performance Review Generation

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Article summary

You can have performance reviews as well as performance review forms generated automatically so that you do not have to do it manually for every performance review. For this, you need to set up performance review generation rules.

To create a performance review generation rule

  1. Go to Settings > Settings and Configuration > Performance > Performance Reviews.
  2. Click Edit next to Performance Review Generation.
  3. In the Performance Review Generation window, click Add Rule.
  4. In the Add Rule window, configure the performance review generation rule as described below:
    • Review Round Title – Specifies the title that will be used for each generated performance review round. The title must include a format for the date of the performance review creation in curly brackets in accordance with the date format in company settings. E.g. Perf. Review Round {MM-dd-YYYY}
    • Is Active – Clear this check box if you need to disable this rule for automatic generation of performance reviews and performance review forms.
    • Round Start Date – Specifies the date, when the first performance review round as well as related performance review forms, if configured, will be generated each year.
    • Generate each – Specify how often performance review rounds along with performance review forms will be generated, expressed either in days or months. Additionally, select how you want review forms to be generated:
      • Generate forms once per round – Select this option to generate performance review forms once for each generated performance review round on the round start date.
      • Generate forms according to rules - Select this option to generate performance review forms for each round as often as specified in the performance review forms generation rules below.
    • Performance Review Form Generation Rules – This section is available only if you selected the Generate forms according to rules option. Set up form generation rules as follows:
      • Form Generation Start Date Calculation Type – Specifies the rule that will be used to identify the date, starting from which performance review forms for each generated performance review round will be generated:
        • From Round Start Date – Forms will be generated starting from the start date of each generated round (including the round start date) as often as specified below
        • From Employment Date – Forms will be generated starting from the employment date (excluding the employment date) as often as specified below as well as on every employment anniversary date
        • From Probation– Forms will be generated once, 5 calendar days prior to the probation end date.
      • Generate each – Specify how often performance review forms will be generated for each generated performance review round starting from the date, calculated according the type selected in the Form Generation Start Date Calculation Type setting.
    • Review Type – Specifies the type of the performance review that will be used for performance reviews generated according to this rule. The review type is used for filtering reviews on the Performance Review Rounds page.
    • Review Form Template – Specifies the review form template that will be used to generate performance review forms according to this rule.
    • Review Workflow – Specifies the review workflow that will be used for performance reviews generated according to this rule.
    • Companies – Select companies that will be eligible for performance reviews generated according to this rule. Performance review participants will be only from these companies. This settings is optional – fill it in only if you want to have performance review forms generated only for participants from specific companies.
    • Countries – Select countries that will be eligible for performance reviews generated according to this rule. Performance review participants will be only from these countries. This settings is optional – fill it in only if you want to have performance review forms generated only for participants from specific companies.
    • Locations – Select locations that will be eligible for performance reviews generated according to this rule. Performance review participants will be only from these locations. This settings is optional – fill it in only if you want to have performance review forms generated only for participants from specific locations.
    • Org Units – Select organizational units that will be eligible for performance reviews generated according to this rule. Performance review participants will be only from these org units. Performance review forms will be generated for participants from the selected organizational units.
    • Working Groups – Specifies working groups that will be eligible for performance reviews generated according to this rule. This settings is optional – fill it in only if you want to have performance review forms generated for members of specific working groups.
    • Only for Job Roles – Specifies job roles for which generated performance reviews according to this rule will be applicable. If none of job roles is specified, the performance review will be applicable for participants that you configured by selecting companies, countries, locations, working groups, and/or org units.
    • Include Inactive Employees – Select this check box if you want to have performance review forms generated according to this rule for inactive employees.
    • Calculate Bonus – Select this check box if you want bonus to be calculated for performance reviews generated according to this rule. For more information, see Score and Bonus Calculation.
    • Include Organization Goals and KPIs – Select this check box for the company and department goals and KPIs to be included into the review form. If the check box is left cleared, only employee's personal goals are included into the section.
    • Include Job Competencies Only – Select this check box to only include the competencies that are mandatory for the job roles into the review.
    • Owner – Specifies the employee who will be the owner of the generated performance reviews according to this rules. This person will be receiving notifications about the performance review process.
  5. Click Save to save the rule.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 if you want to add more review generation rules.

If you don't want to use a performance review generation rule any longer, you can deactivate it: click Edit on the rule line, and then clear the Is Active check box.

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