Plan Absences
  • 26 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Plan Absences

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Article summary

Each employee in the system has an absence allowance, that is, a number of absence days the employee is entitled to in the current year. Based on this allowance, the employee can request a day off for specific dates, which is normally approved by the manager afterwards. The HR person can see all the requests along with their approval statuses and reports on the taken and remaining days.

If an absence record is created from the employee's Absences page, the figures in the Absences dashboard on the landing page are updated runtime. If the HR creates an absence record directly in one of the absence lists, the data is updated only after the Absences job is run either automatically on schedule or manually by the HR.

After an employee card is created, the absence allowance records (vacation, sickness, other absences) will be created in the Absence Lists > Absence Allowance, based on the absence plan rules applicable to this employee. Use the Manual Adjustment field to manually change the total number of absence allowances. Please note that manual adjustment can be used only when an employee has some allowance already generated. That is, this function is for adjusting an already existing allowance, and not for defining an allowance manually instead of generating it based on the absence plan.img006(3)

The employee absence allowance records will not be created immediately after setting up or changing the absence plan. The job that generates the absence allowances in the Absence Allowances list is run once per day.

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