Power BI Template Overview
  • 29 Jun 2023
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Power BI Template Overview

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Article summary

The Lanteria HR Power BI templates are based on the Lanteria HR dashboard data. The templates are available for the following sections:

The Lanteria HR Power BI templates can be downloaded from here.

Core HR and Compensation

  • FTE charts
    Charts showing data for main assignments of non-terminated employees (Start Date of assignment <= {Today} AND (End Date = Null or End Date > {Today})). If employee has no current assignment, the chart is gaining data from the employee card and counting his or her FTE as 1.
  • Employment Types
    Visualization shows data on the employment type allocation among active (not terminated) employees.
  • Job Categories
    Visualization shows the job category allocation among the active employees.
  • Company Figures
    - Employees. Number of active, not terminated employees.
    - Countries. Number of active countries in Lanteria HR.
    - Companies. Number of active companies in Lanteria HR.
    - Org Units. Number of active organizational units in Lanteria HR.
    - Locations. Number of active locations in Lanteria HR.
    - Job Positions. Number of active job positions in Lanteria HR.
    - Starters. Number of starters in Lanteria HR.
    - Pending Terminations. Pending terminations for the following year (366 days).
  • Salary Breakdown charts
    Salary breakdown based on country/org unit/location. All calculations are made in the local currency defined for Lanteria HR.


  • Company Absence Statistics
    Global absence statistics based on out of the box absence types (Vacation, Sickness, Absence). Visualization is filtered with the Report Date Range slicer (based on Start Date of absence request).
  • Annual Dynamics
    Monthly visualization for absence requests for all out of the box absence types. Visualization is filtered with the Report Date Range slicer (based on the Start Date of absence request).
  • Figures
    Summary of approved upcoming (seven following calendar days) vacations/sicknesses/absences.


  • Goals by Status
    All goal assignments based on status
  • Top Scored Competencies
    Top scored competencies based on Average Score (excluding score = -1)
  • Top Performers
    Top employee performers based on calculated score.
  • Performance Reviews by Step
    Performance review allocation based on the current step.
  • Performance Score Distribution
    Performance score distribution based on the summary rating.
  • Qualitative Goals by Status
    Number of qualitative goals by status. Visualization is filtered with the Report Date Range slicer (based on the goal Start Date).
  • Qualitative Goal Alignment
    Qualitative goal alignment based on the org unit goals. Visualization is filtered with the Report Date Range slicer (based on the goal Start Date).
  • Qualitative Goal Achievement
    Qualitative goal achievement chart based on the Percent Complete value. Visualization is filtered with the Report Date Range slicer (based on the goal Start Date).  
  • Quantitative Goals by Status
    Number of quantitative goals by status. Visualization is filtered with the Report Date Range slicer (based on the goal Start Date).
  • Quantitative Goal Alignment
    Quantitative goal alignment based on the org unit goal. Visualization is filtered with the Report Date Range slicer (based on the goal Start Date).
  • Org Unit Goals by Status
    Number of org unit goals by status. Visualization is filtered with the Report Date Range slicer (based on the goal Start Date).
  • Org Unit Goal Achievement
    Org unit goal achievement chart based on the Percent Complete value. Visualization is filtered with the Report Date Range slicer (based on the goal Start Date).
  • Org Unit Goal Alignment
    Org unit goals alignment based on company goals. Visualization is filtered with the Report Date Range slicer (based on the goal Start Date).  
  • Goal Statistics
    - Company Goals - Number of company goals in Lanteria HR. Visualization is filtered with the Report Date Range slicer (based on the goal Start Date).  
    - Org Unit Goals - Number of org unit goals in Lanteria HR. Visualization is filtered with the Report Date Range slicer (based on the goal Start Date).
    - Employee Goals - Number of employee goals (sum of qualitative and quantitative goals) in Lanteria HR. Visualization is filtered with the Report Date Range slicer (based on the goal Start Date).  
    - Average Goals per Employee - Average number of goals per employee in Lanteria HR ({Total Number of Employee Goals} / {Total Number of Active Employees}). Visualization is filtered with the Report Date Range slicer (based on the goal Start Date).  
    - Number of Overdue Goals - Number of goals with the due date less than today excluding goals with statuses Completed and Deferred. Visualization is filtered with the Report Date Range slicer (based on the goal Start Date).  


  • Learners by Completed Activities
    Employees list by number of completed activities
  • Requests by Learning Material
    Number of pending training requests based on learning materials
  • Development Activities by Status
    Number of development activities by status
  • Courses by Average Feedback
    Average Feedback score for Learning Materials
  • Courses by Number of Development Activities
    Number of Development Activities by Courses
  • Learning Statistics
    - Total Activities Completed - Total number of completed development activities
    - Total External Activities - Total number of external training activities
    - Average Activities per Learner - Average number of development activities per all employees ({Total Number of Development Activities} / {Total Employees (including terminated)})
    - Classroom Activities Conducted - Total number of classroom activities (development activities based on the learning materials with the Learning Material Type = Classroom)
    - Activities Passed - Total number of passed development activities (Manual Score = Passed)
    - Activities Failed - Total number of failed development activities (Manual Score = Failed)

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