Publish Materials to Catalog
  • 27 Feb 2023
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Publish Materials to Catalog

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Article summary

There are four ways to publish learning materials to the catalog:

  • From Learning Materials settings: Settings > Settings and Configuration > Learning Learning Catalog, and then click Edit next to Learning Materials. Use the new item button to add a new learning material.
  • Using the Create Course in Catalog quick action (click Learning > Quick actions > Create Course in Catalog).
  • Using the Add Course button in the Learning Catalog (fill in the fields in the same way as when you add a learning material add a learning material from settings).
  • If the learning material is a file or an e-learning package that you have uploaded previously, you can also publish it from the E-Learning Library. To do that go to Settings > Site Lists and Libraries > E-Learning Library, click the item menu button and click View Properties. Click the Publish to Learning Catalog button on the ribbon in the form that appears.

Performing any of the above actions will open the form that is described on the Learning Materials settings page.

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