Training Feedback
  • 21 Jun 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Training Feedback

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Article summary

This is the section for setting up training feedback. Edit the list to add questions to the questionnaire.

Follow these steps to edit training feedback list:

  1. Go to Settings > Settings and Configuration > Learning.
  2. Click Learning Catalog in the left panel and click Edit next to the Training Feedback setting name on the Basic tab. 
  3. This will open the form where you can add or delete fields to/from the Training Feedback list.
  4. The editable fields are displayed as links and you can click on the field name to change or delete it.
  5. Other fields are non-editable predefined fields.
  6. You need to add a column to the list to add a question to the training feedback form. To do this click the Create Column button at the top of the form. This will open the standard SharePoint form for adding columns to a list.
  7. Enter the question into the Column name and fill in the rest of the fields as you do while adding columns to SharePoint lists.
  8. To delete a question, click the question name and then click the Delete button at the bottom of the form.

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