Update Candidate Self-Service
  • 04 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Update Candidate Self-Service

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Article summary

Please, back up all the data before performing an update.

Installing an update is simple process - just copy all files, except the customer specific ones, from the Update Package and paste them to the Content Directory.

The following files are customer specific:

App folder

  • appsettings.json – contains the application settings
  • Custom/configuration.json – contains the application configuration 
    The structure of the Custom/configuration.json file can change overtime (in terms of adding/removing configuration properties). Therefore, please compare and merge it with the existing file.
  • sqlite.db – stores information about the registered users and application drafts
  • wwwroot/css/custom-styles.css – contains the customer specific styles
  • wwwroot/js/custom-scripts.js – contains the customer specific scripts

API folder

  • appsettings.json – contains a link to service of corresponding Lanteria HR

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