Upload Employee Document
  • 15 Feb 2023
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Upload Employee Document

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Article summary

There are two ways to upload an employee document:

By default, the size of a document that can be uploaded must not exceed 250 MB. This limit is configured on the server. If you need to change the size limit, contact your system administrator.

Employee Card

To upload a document from the employee card, follow these steps:

  1. Click Core HR > Employees > Employees and open an employee card of the employee the document is being uploaded for.
  2. On the General tab, click Documents.
  3. In the form that opens, click Upload Document.
  4. The Employee field will be set to the name of the current employee.
  5. In the Type field, select type of the document being uploaded.
  6. Specify expiration date for the document.
  7. If the employee is to have access to the document being uploaded, select the Employee Access check box.
  8. If the employee's manager is to have access to the document being uploaded, select the Manager Access check box.
  9. Click Choose File and browse for the document to be uploaded.
  10. Click Upload Document. This will open a window with document properties.
  11. In the Content Type field, select the content type for the document. The content type defines the set of document properties that you can specify. You can verify and change if necessary the properties, based on information provided in the previous window, as well as specify additional properties.
    • If you selected the Survey content type, the following properties can be specified/updated by default (you may have additional properties if they were configured for this content type):
      • Name – Specifies the name of the file. By default, this field is filled in with the name of the file that has been uploaded.
      • Title – Specifies the title of the document that will be displayed in Lanteria HR.
      • Document Type – Specifies the type of the document. This property is optional and not available by default for this content type.
      • Expiration Date – If the document has an expiration date, specify it in this field. This data will be used to track the expiring documents. By default, this date is filled in with the date provided in the previous window. This property is optional and not available by default for this content type.
      • Employee Access – Specifies whether the employee will have be able to see this document. This setting is taken from the previous window – verify it and change it if necessary.
      • Manager Access – Specifies whether the employee's manager will have be able to see this document. This setting is taken from the previous window – verify it and change it if necessary.
    • If you selected the Form content type, the following properties can be specified/updated (you may have additional properties if they were configured for this content type):
      • Name – Specifies the name of the file. By default, this field is filled in with the name of the file that has been uploaded.
  12. Click Save to save the document.

Employee Documents Library

To upload a document from the Employee Documents library, follow these steps:

  1. In the Core HR section, under Documents, click Employee Documents.
  2. Click New Document to start uploading.
  3. In the form that opens, specify a path to the document you want to upload. If you do not want to overwrite an existing document with the same name, clear the Overwrite existing files check box.
  4. Click OK. Next, fill in the document properties.
  5. If you are using several content types for the employee documents, select the desired one in the Content Type field. This type defines the set of document properties that you can specify:
    • If you selected the Survey content type, the following properties can be specified/updated:
      • Name – Specifies the name of the file. By default, this field is filled in with the name of the file that has been uploaded.
      • Title – Specifies the title of the document that will be displayed in Lanteria HR.
      • Employee – Specifies the name of the employee for whom the uploaded document will be linked to.
      • Document Type – Specifies the type of the document. This property is optional and not available by default for this content type.
      • Expiration Date – If the document has an expiration date, specify it in this field. This data will be used to track the expiring documents. This property is optional and not available by default for this content type.
      • Employee Access – Specifies whether the employee will have be able to see this document.
      • Manager Access – Specifies whether the employee's manager will have be able to see this document.
    • If you selected the Form content type, the following properties can be specified/updated:
      • Name – Specifies the name of the file. By default, this field is filled in with the name of the file that has been uploaded.
      • Employee – Specifies the name of the employee for whom the uploaded document will be linked to.
  6. Click Save to upload the document. It will be available from the Employee Documents form and from the employee card. On the ribbon of the employee card, click Documents.
  7. A form with the documents available for the employee will open.

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