Send Document for Signing
  • 03 Mar 2023
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Send Document for Signing

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Article summary

To send a document to candidate to electronically sign through Adobe Acrobat Sign, follow these steps:

  1. In Lanteria HR, go to Recruiting > Candidates, search for a candidate and click Actions > View Documents. Alternatively, after fining a candidate you can click his or her name to open the candidate card and then click Candidate Documents from the ribbon.
  2. Before a document can be sent for signing, it must be uploaded to Candidate Documents. Click Upload Document.
  3. Next, select a file and fill in the document properties. 
  4. Click Upload Document.
  5. Select a check box next to the uploaded document and click Send selected to Acrobat Sign.

E-mail will be sent to candidate with directions on how to sign the document through Adobe Sign. The document status will be set to Sent

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