View Absence Statistics
  • 22 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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View Absence Statistics

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Article summary

Before approving employee vacations, refer to the Absence Statistic report that is available under My Team Attendance > Absence Statistic

By default, the Report Date is set to today’s date. Change it to view the vacation statistic for another date.

The report shows:

  • Accrual Period – the period in which the current absence allowance was accrued
  • Spending Period – the period during which the current absence allowance is to be spent
  • Carried Over – the number of unused absence days or hours from the previous absence period that were carried over to the current period
  • Expired – the number of carried over days or hours that were not used on time and expired
  • Extra Time Off – the number of additional absence days or hours the employee is entitled to due to overtime or some other reason
  • Allowance – the number of absence days or hours the employee is entitled to as of the report date
  • Total – the total number of absence days or hours the employee is entitled to (a sum of carried over days, extra days and allowance)
  • Booked – the number of days or hours the employee has planned (requested and approved) and taken
  • Taken – the number of taken absence days or hours
  • Scheduled – the number of planned, but not taken absence days or hours
  • Pending – the absence days or hours that were requested, but are pending approval
  • Remaining – the number of vacation days or hours the employee can take (calculated as Total minus Booked and Pending)

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