Work with Performance Reviews List
  • 20 May 2023
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Work with Performance Reviews List

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Article summary

Perform any actions or analyze data for the performance review forms from the Performance Review Rounds page (Performance > Performance Reviews). 

The page has two tabs:

  • Use the Performance Review Rounds tab to open a list of performance review forms per round
  • Use the Performance Reviews tab to open a list of performance review forms for all review rounds

Performance Review Rounds

To view all the performance review forms belonging to a specific review round, on the Performance Review Rounds tab, select a round, and then click Reviews

The performance review forms for the selected round will open. 

Use this page to:

  • Filter the reviews by stage, by summary rating or use the standard Additional Filter
  • Select the review forms and move them to some step in the review workflow
  • Change the current responsible for the selected forms

Performance Reviews

On the Performance Reviews tab of the Performance Review Rounds page, work with all the performance review forms available in Lanteria HR. You can filter the forms by the following criteria:

  • Dates - use the From and To fields
  • Review type
  • Employee
  • Standard Additional Filter criteria (org unit, location, country and so on) 

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