Additional Competency Settings
  • 13 Mar 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Additional Competency Settings

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Article summary

There is a number of additional settings regulating the way competencies are used in the system.

To access them go to Settings > Settings and Configuration > Performance, click Competencies in the left panel and select the Advanced tab.

You have to click the Apply Changes button for any of these changes to take effect.

Competency Assessment Method

To select the competency assessment method, select the necessary value from the Competency Assessment Method drop-down list.

The available options are:

  • Manual: during a review the responsible person will assess each competence based on competency levels
  • Criteria Based: during a review the responsible person will assess each competence based on predefined criteria
  • Comments Only: only comments can be given as an assessment  of a competency with no option to provide a numerical rating
  • No Comments: only ratings can be given as an assessment of a competency with no option to provide comments

By default, Competency Assessment Method is set to Manual.

The competency assessment method can be changed during a review and the changes will impact the way the review forms are displayed and worked with.

Competency Score Calculation

You can choose which assessments within the current performance review round will be included into the calculation of the final score.

To select the competency score calculation method, select the necessary value from the Competency Score Calculation drop-down list.

The available options are:

  • By Latest Assessment meaning that the score will be calculated based on the last assessment within current review
  • By All Assessments meaning that the score will be calculated based on all the assessments made within current review
  • By All Without Self-Assessment meaning that the score will be calculated based on all the assessments made within current review with the exception of self-assessments

By default, Competency Score Calculation is done By Latest Assessment.

The competency score calculation method can be changed during a review and the changes will impact the way the review forms are displayed and worked with.

Total Score Calculation Method

The Total Score for the Competency section of the performance review form can be calculated based on the competency required level or independently of the required level. This is defined by the Total Score Calculation Method setting. To locate the setting, go to Settings Settings and Configuration  Performance and click Competencies Advanced.

The following options are available:

  • Required Level Not Considered - the Total Score will be calculated based on the competence assessments only.
    In this case, the maximum level score is considered to be 100% and in relation to it, the percent for the assigned score is calculated. 
  • Required Level Considered - Capped - the Total Score will be calculated based on the competence assessments in relation to the competency required level, and the maximum score is 100%. 
  • Required Level Considered - Not Capped - the Total Score will be calculated based on the competence assessments in relation to the competency required level, and the maximum score can exceed 100%. 

For more detailed description of the Total Score calculation, please refer to the Competency Score Calculations topic.

Weighted Groups

You can assign different weights to competency groups to fine-tune the relevance of your overall scores.

To use this feature select the Weighted Groups check box. By default, the box is cleared, i.e. group weighting is not used.

Manual Group Assessment

Select the Manual Group Assessment check box if you need a separate score to be set manually for each competency group during assessment. By default, this functionality is not used and, accordingly, the box is cleared.

Allow Manual Assessment Date

Select the Allow Manual Assessment Date check box to set the assessment date manually. If the check box is cleared, the assessment date is captured automatically at the time of assessment.

By default, setting assessment date manually is allowed, and, accordingly, the check box is selected.

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