Landing Page
  • 18 Oct 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Landing Page

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Article summary

The landing page is the first page that opens when you sign in to Lanteria HR. The landing page will look different depending on your current role.

Lanteria Dashboard

The landing page of the HR role has the following elements:

  • Main Menu for accessing Lanteria HR modules and pages as well as settings. The Settings menu item includes settings for Lanteria HR as well as SharePoint settings, site lists and libraries, and data export/import.
    The main menu is personalized for each role. Roles other than HR will have access to pages limited by the role. Information on pages will be filtered by the area of the role responsibility where necessary.
  • Dashboard for getting quick access to everyday HR tasks.
    The dashboards with charts are available only for the HR role. Other roles have a personalized dashboard with such sections as Task Requiring My Action (quick access to tasks pending your action), Announcements (company news and announcements), Feedback (employee feedback given by you or your colleagues), and Congratulations! (employee birthdays and anniversaries on this day).
  • Employee search for finding employee cards. Type in an employee's name or a part of it to perform a search.
  • Role selection. Lanteria HR menu is role-based. Select the role you want to use at the moment. Click the role selection button to see all the roles available to you.
  • Quick actions for getting quick access to basic Lanteria HR functions.
  • User notifications to view notifications about various tasks that require your action, such as actions pending your approval, development activities pending completion, performance reviews as well as 360 Feedback reviews pending your input, HelpDesk tickets that require your attention, probation reviews pending your action, documents that should be uploaded, etc. You can select a notification to open the corresponding page where you can act on the task.
    User Notification
  • Online Help to open Lanteria HR Help Center where you can learn how to set up and use Lanteria HR.
  • Lanteria HR Chat Bot to open the Lanteria HR chat bot that can help you find relevant topics in Lanteria HR Help Center. In the chat bot window, type what you want to learn about or what task in Lanteria HR you want to accomplish to get help from the chat bot.
  • User profile menu for accessing your employee card, employee role dashboard, SharePoint profile settings, as well as for signing in as a different user.

For an overview of the landing page of other roles, see the corresponding section of the help center for that role.

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