Budget Allocation
  • 21 Jun 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Budget Allocation

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Article summary

For tracking costs associated with the employee training, create rules to allocate the training budget amounts for the employees. If employee requests a paid training (cost is to be specified in the learning material properties) and gets the request approved and registered, the cost of this training is deducted from the budget amount. The employee training budgets along with the spent and remaining amounts can be checked in the employee card. 

The dates when the budget is active and the budget amount depend on the allocation period and amount defined in the budget allocation rule, correspondingly.

To set up rules for allocating training budgets to employees, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Settings and Configuration > Learning.
  2. Click Training, and then click Edit next to Budget Allocation.
  3. In the page that opens, specify title for the rule being created. 
  4. Next, in the Allocation Period field, specify for which period the budget will be generated. The available options are: 
    • Monthly - the budget amount specified in the rule will be allocated to the employees each month and will be active till the end of the month
    • Quarterly - the budget amount specified in the rule will be allocated to the employees each quarter and will be active till the end of the quarter
    • Yearly - the budget amount specified in the rule will be allocated to the employees each year and will be active till the end of the year
    The period start date and, correspondingly, end date depend on the company year start date. For example, if the company Year Start Date is set to 01-07 and the rule has been created on February 17, 2018, the budget will be created on Feb 17, 2018 with the following active dates:
    • If the allocation period is Monthly, the budget dates will be Feb 1 - Feb 28, 2018; the next budget will be allocated on March 1, 2018. If the company year start date is 15-07, the month will start on the 15th. For the current example, the start dates will be Feb 15 - March 14, 2018.   
    • If the allocation period is Quarterly, the budget dates will be Jan 1 - March 31, 2018; the next budget will be allocated on April 1, 2018 and will be active till June 31.
    • If the allocation period is Yearly, the budget dates will be July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018; the next budget will be allocated on July 1, 2018 and will be active till June 30, 2019.
  5. Specify the amount of the budget that will be allocated to each employee meeting the criteria of the current rule. Select the currency the budget amount was specified in.
  6. All the following fields (Divisions, Countries, Locations, Departments, Job Roles, Learning Groups, Job Grades, Employment Types, Employees) are used to define the criteria by which the budget will be allocated. These fields are independent from each other. For example, if you select Canada in the Country field and Sales Representative in the Job Role field, the budget amount will be allocated to each employee working in Canada and each employee with the job role Sales Representative
    It is recommended to use one type of criteria to avoid budget duplications. If the employee meets criteria of more than one rule, more than one budget amount will be allocated. In this case, each employee development activity with the cost will influence balance of both budgets, which can lead to incorrect budget calculations. If more than one budget is allocated to employee, HR will receive a warning e-mail informing about the rule intersection and recommendation to correct the rules. 
    If an employee meets more than one criteria within one rule (for example, employee's country is Canada and job role Sales Representative and both are set as criteria for the same rule), it will create no issues and only one budget amount will be allocated.

The budgets are generated and updated by the Budget Allocation Job overnight. For the rules to be applied immediately, run the job manually from Settings > Settings and Configuration > System Settings. Click System Jobs, select the Budget Allocation Job and click Run Now.

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