Add LinkedIn Courses to Catalog
  • 02 Mar 2023
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Add LinkedIn Courses to Catalog

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Article summary

The LinkedIn courses are synchronized with the Learning Catalog  by the LinkedIn Integration Job. The job is disabled by default. To enable the job, navigate to Settings > Settings and Configuration > System Settings and click System Jobs. Locate the LinkedIn Integration Job and click Enable. The Run Now button will become available. Use this button to run the job immediately or wait till the scheduled time when the job will run automatically.

After running the job, the following information will be synchronized to Lanteria HR:

  • The LinkedIn learning categories will be created in the Lanteria HR settings under Learning Learning Catalog > Learning Material Categories. The following information will be filled in for the category in Lanteria HR:
    • Title - category title from LinkedIn
    • Parent - will be always set to LinkedIn Learning (a parent category created in Lanteria HR for the integration purposes)
  • The learning materials from LinkedIn Learning are uploaded to the Lanteria HR Learning Catalog with the following information:
    • Title - the course title from LinkedIn
    • Is Active - selected
    • Description - course description from LinkedIn
    • Type - Web Link
    • Category - course category from LinkedIn
    • Scoring Type - None
    • Material Version - 1.0
    • External Link - link to the course in LinkedIn
    • External Course ID - course ID from LinkedIn (not displayed to the user)

When the job is run for the first time, all the courses are copied from LinkedIn Learning to Lanteria HR along with the LinkedIn categories. Also, the LinkedIn Integration Last Execute field (Settings Site Lists and Libraries > General Settings) will be filled in with the date and time of the job execution. Next time the job is run, only the coursers that have been created since the last execution date will be copied to Lanteria HR.  

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