Create Custom SharePoint List
  • 29 Jun 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Create Custom SharePoint List

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Article summary

Creating custom lists may be required for advanced customization of Lanteria HR. For example, you may need to create a custom list if you want to create a new custom section in the performance review form or add an action step with the Fill Form type to an HR process template.

To create a custom SharePoint list

  1. Click Settings > Site Lists and Libraries.
  1. Click add an app.
  1. Select Custom List.
  1. Type a name of your custom list in the Name field, and then click Create.
  1. Locate the created custom list and double-click it.
  1. Your new list has only one field by default. To add more fields (columns), go to the LIST tab and click List Settings.
  1. Click Create column to create a new column.
  1. In the Column name field, type the column name.
    When you add a column for the first time, you need to assign a short title without spaces. After you have saved the column, you can rename the field and create a title with up to 250 characters.

  1. Specify the type of information in the column. The basic information types that you can use for columns in your custom list are the following:
    Column Information TypeDescription
    Single line of textCan be used to add a text field. The field value can contain up to 255 characters.
    Multiple lines of textCan be used to add a text field that can contain more text as well as other elements. You can choose to add plain or rich text with pictures, tables, etc.
    ChoiceCan be used to add an option field. You can add as many choices as needed and display them in a drop-down menu, as radio buttons, check boxes, etc.
    NumberCan be used to add a field where the user can enter a number. You can specify the minimum and maximum values, and choose to display it in percentage if necessary. By Selecting Calculated Value, you can add a formula in the SP format and the system will perform automatic calculations for this field (note that this is an advanced option; possible formulas can be found in the SP tutorials).
    CurrencyCan be used to add a field where a currency can be specified.
    Date and TimeCan be used to add a date field.
    LookupCan be used to add a field that will be connected with the fields in another list. using this property, you can add a few non-lookup fields from one list.
    Yes/NoCan be used to add a check box.

    SharePoint provides the ability to add fields with more information types. However, other types require advanced SharePoint knowledge.
  1. Specify other properties, and then click OK.
  2. Repeat steps 7 through 10 to add more columns if necessary.

The created custom list becomes available for selection in Lanteria HR wherever you need to select a custom list.

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