OnBoarding (Starters)
  • 14 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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OnBoarding (Starters)

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Article summary

  1. In the Core HR section, click HR Processes and then OnBoarding.
    img442The system will list all the external starters, that is, candidates who will join the company, and internal employees who have gone through the application process and are to be moved to another position. The starters appear on the OnBoarding page after a starter is created in the Recruiting module.
    img061On this page, you can work with starters.
  2. Click Create Employee to create a new employee from the starter or Assign to Position to assign an internal candidate to a new position.
    When creating an employee from starter (candidate), data from all the fields of the candidate card will be copied to the employee card, provided that the internal field names in the Candidates list and Employees list are the same. If there is an HR process for the starter, it will be transferred to the newly created employee.
  3. Click the View link in the OnBoarding Info column to view the general information.
  4. Click the Process link in the Process column to view the information on the onboarding process steps.
    For the HR process to be available here, it must be set up with the Autostart set to Starter.

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