Plan Successors
  • 29 May 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Plan Successors

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Article summary

The successors for the key employees can be planned in the Succession section:

  1. Go to Performance > Succession > Succession Planning.
  2. Set filters if necessary, and then click View. The Succession Summary page will open, which displays all the employees for whose job role the Succession Required check box was selected.
  3. To select the successors for the employee (or job role), click Details next to the employee. 
  4. At the bottom of the page, select the talent pool from whose members the successor is to be chosen and click View. All the talent pool members will be listed. 
  5. To add a talent pool member as successor, click Include. You can include several successors, if relevant.
  6. To remove the successor, click the remove icon in the successor’s card.
Successors are planned at the job role level. So when selecting successors for a particular job role, those chosen will be automatically used for all other employees who also occupy that job role, if any.

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