Record Interview Results
  • 23 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Record Interview Results

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Article summary

The interview form is generated for the employees selected as applicant interviewers. All generated interview forms are available on the Interview Stage Details page. To open it, click Details for the particular interview stage on the Interview Stages tab of the Job Opening Details page.

The interviewer also has access to the interview forms from the Manager menu, through My Recruiting > My Candidates.

To start recording interview results, select Manage Interviews from the Actions dropdown next to the corresponding candidate. Click Interview Form next to the interview you wish to conduct. In the open form, write your comments and select the interview summary score. Please note that this form is fully customizable (select the sections to be included into the form when creating the interview stages for a job opening).

Click Save Result to record the results. After the interview form is completed, it cannot be edited anymore.

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