Goals Dashboard
  • 06 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Goals Dashboard

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Article summary

The Goals dashboard consists of six charts that will help you analyze the employee and org unit goals progress and alignment:

  • Employee Goals by Status that shows the distribution of Employee Goals by status
  • Org Unit Goals by Status that shows the distribution of Org Unit Goals by status
  • Employee Goals Alignment that shows a pie chart of how individual Employee Goals align with Org Unit and Company Goals
  • Org Unit Goals Alignment that shows a pie chart of how Org Unit Goals align with Company Goals
  • Employee Goals Achievement that shows the distribution of Employee Goal achievement levels
  • Org Unit Goals Achievement that shows the distribution of Org Unit Goals achievement levels

You can select time intervals to display the statistics for and apply additional filters to view more specific data, for example, for particular org units, locations, etc. A goal will be included into the statistics if either its Start Date or Due Date is within the selected time interval.

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