Add Custom Report/Chart to Report Group
  • 03 May 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Add Custom Report/Chart to Report Group

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Article summary

Custom reports and charts can be added to either a predefined standard report group or a custom report group. You can add a report/chart to more than one group if necessary.

To add a custom report or chart to a report group

  1. When you create or edit a custom report or custom chart, on the Description step, in the Report Group field select a custom or predefined report group you want to add the report/chart to. By default, the report group from which you are creating a report/chart is selected. You can select more than one report group. If you do not select any report group, the report/chart will be added to the Not Grouped group.
  2. Proceed with the report/chart creation or editing, and then save the results.

The report or chart becomes available in the selected report group.

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