Employee Dashboard
  • 13 Mar 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Employee Dashboard

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Article summary

The employee dashboard is the homepage you see when selecting the Employee role. 

You can also access it from the user profile by clicking your profile image in the upper right corner and then My Portal.

The employee dashboard provides quick access to the following information.

Tasks Requiring My Action

If an employee has a task assigned, it will be available from the Tasks Requiring My Action pane.

Tasks with the due date will be displayed first, however you can change the sorting by clicking Due Date in the top right corner to view tasks without a due date first. If a task is overdue, the due date will be highlighted with red.

Click Load more to see more tasks. Click a task to view the details and take a relevant action.

The tasks might include the following:

You can use the filter in the top left corner to view only tasks of a specific type.


Any news and announcements posted by HR will be visible in this pane. Click the announcement heading to view the whole text. Use the Load more button to display the older posts. If you are an employee with the HR role, you can edit, delete, and add news and announcements.


The colleague birthdays and employment anniversaries for the current date are displayed in the Congratulations pane.


From the Feedback pane, view the public feedback available for the company employees. This includes both your and your colleagues' feedback. Use the Give Feedback and Request Feedback buttons to leave your opinion about any of your coworkers or request some employee to give feedback to you. 

If you are an employee with the HR role, you will also be able to delete feedback if necessary by clicking the corresponding icon next to feedback.

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