OnBoarding Workflow
  • 26 Jan 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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OnBoarding Workflow

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Article summary

The OnBoarding workflow provides the typical sequence of steps performed by various roles required to onboard an employee in Lanteria HR.

Prerequisites for the OnBoarding Workflow

To onboard an employee, you must have the following configured: 

  • Org units - They define to which part of organization employee belongs.
  • Job roles and positions - Job role is a mandatory field when creating an employee record. Job role is a kind of job type that defines the required learning, salary range, promotion path, etc. Job positions are to be defined if your company uses job assignments; they characterize a job from the point of view of job role and org unit. 
  • AD account - The account must be specified in the employee card for employee to access Lanteria HR.
  • Employee statuses - Modify a list of statuses that can be assigned to employee (active, terminated, etc.)
  • Countries, locations, companies, cost centers - optional characteristics that are by default taken from the org unit, but can be overridden at the employee level.
  • Absence plans - Define the absence allowances for employee. Absence plan will be assigned based on the employee country, but can be overridden on the employee card.
  • Probation stages - If employee has the probation period, the probation stages can be set up to manage the probation meetings and reviews.
  • Employee card - Use the Employee Card Designer to define the sections and fields you want to see in the employee card.
  • HR process - HR process template can be created and, if required, set up to automatically launch the HR process when creating an employee or a starter. This will generate the onboarding tasks that will be handled through Lanteria HR.

OnBoarding Workflow

The following diagram illustrates a typical onboadring registration workflow in Lanteria HR.

OnBoarding Workflow Description


For creating an employee record, you must set up organizational structure (org units, countries, locations, etc.), since you'll be specifying which part of organization employee belongs to. Also, you must have job roles in place and, if your company uses job positions, job positions as well, to assign employee to a job.

If employee has the probation period, use the probation stages to plan the meetings with employee and launch, if required. 

If you are using the Time and Attendance module, specify the absence plan for the vacation, sickness and absence allowances to be generated for the employee. 

Employee card in Lanteria HR is fully customizable and if any sections and fields are to be modified, it's better to do that before creating the employees. Please note that without specifying the AD account on the employee card, the employee won't be able to access Lanteria HR.

OnBoarding HR Process

Employee onboarding can be supported with the HR process - a sequence of action items that are based on the HR process template. The process can be launched manually or automatically on creating a starter or an employee. The action items are generated and assigned to responsible employees. 

OnBoarding through Recruiting 

A new employee record can be created manually by clicking Create Employee in the Employee Database. But if an employee being onboarded was hired using the Recruiting module of Lanteria HR, he or she already has a candidate record that contains information on personal details, job offers, etc. That being the case, you can create an employee from candidate and prepopulate all the candidate data to the employee record. When hiring a candidate, you have two options:

  • Create the employee record from the candidate record.
  • Create the new starter record from candidate and then create employee from starter. Using the starter option allows you to have a pre-employment Onboarding HR process that can be automatically launched as soon as a starter record is created.

Assigning Employee to a Job

When creating an employee record (either directly from the Employee Database or from candidate/starter), after filling in the employee card, you'll be redirected to the Job Assignment page. If your company is using job positions, assign the newly created employee to a position. This step can be skipped and finalized later.

Completing the Employee Information

Use the ribbon buttons on the employee card to upload the employee photo documents and fill in any additional information such as a list of employee emergency contacts and dependents, company assets, education and certificates, training requirements, goals and KPIs, etc.

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